Here's the latest news and information from the Finance and Administration Division. Want to know more? Check out our website @
A Crime of Opportunity It's the lunch hour and all have left the office, except for you. There you are diligently working at your computer, vigorously typing away on a report that's due in an hour. Then it hits you. It's at that moment your morning cup of coffee has completely worn off and you can no longer keep your eyes in focus. No biggie, the coke machine is just right down the hall. So off you go to get your caffeine fix taking only the change in hand needed for your coke. BAM! That's when it happens. You have now become a victim in a crime of opportunity. A thief has taken the 30 to 60 seconds he needs to run into your empty office and take your cell phone, your wallet, and your keys. How could this have happened? You only left your office for a minute.
Thieves are always on the lookout for an easy target and will typically place themselves in a position of observation by wandering halls with the intent to find unattended property. Once the thief has spotted an opportunity, he will usually search for valuables in the most obvious places such as under the desk, or in drawers, or simply right on top of the desk. If you do not want to become a victim of theft, there are precautions you can take to insure your valuables do not end up in the hands of thieves. For More Crime Prevention Tips...
Did you know... That each year the Facilities Management team receives and completes over 5,000 work orders? Every single one of those work orders are managed and tracked through a web-based management system known as FAMIS. However, this system isn't just for Facilities. Yes, that's right, you too can take advantage of this web-based management system. By entering your request online, you are now able to track your work order from the initial service request all the way through to the final completion. You can also review any previous work orders that you have submitted through the FAMIS system. To Learn More...
After becoming a 4-year institution, the Class of 1969 was the first class to receive diplomas with the institution's new name of Angelo State University on them.
Friendly reminder that using the correct shipping address for your purchases will insure you receive your items in a timely manner. Shipping Addresses...
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Let's Twist! We are all guilty of it. At some point, we have all thought that it won't happen to me, or this town, or even this university. The reality is that it could happen at any time or any place because Mother Nature does not discriminate. So what is it that we are talking about? Tornadoes of course. They are incredibly unpredictable, terribly dangerous, and one should always be prepared for them. That is why, this past March, the Office of Environmental Health, Safety and Risk Management in conjunction with the University Police Department conducted a campus-wide tornado drill. It is through these types of preparedness drills, as well as through education, that we can insure all individuals on our campus will remain safe in the event of a real tornado. For More Information...
Ring Ring
Before you know it, we will be ringing in the new Fiscal Year and Fall Semester. Now is the time to start reserving space for your future events through our online reservation request system. Also, because reservations can be placed over a year in advance, you don't have to wait. Reserving space early will save you the trouble and stress of trying to find a location last minute, thus allowing you ample time to promote each event or meeting. For help getting started...
Mayer Field Softball Complex We are delighted to tell you that significant upgrades were made this softball season to the Mayer Field Softball Complex, which undoubtedly enhanced our fans game-day experience. From the brand new press box to the elevated bleacher system with bench seating and contoured chairs to the sizeable metal awning that shaded our fans during those hot afternoon games. If you were unable to make it to this year's softball games to enjoy our enhancements, you can still make it to next year's. Season tickets go on sale starting June 1st. For additional information on all of FP&C's projects...
That's Impressive...
The average ASU PD response time to emergency calls on campus is 2 minutes! That's impressive when compared to the national average which can range up to 8 minutes.
Exciting Changes... Ever find yourself wondering the status of your contract and/or whether or not someone has approved or disapproved it? Well we have great news for you! The Contract Administration Office, starting in May, will now have the ability to keep departments informed of the status of their contracts via their new database email feature. Now you can be in the know through the whole process. Enlighten me...
Technology + Planning = Success... Three of the top four most common causes of project failure are unrealistic time and/or resources estimates; unclear or immeasurable project objectives; and project objectives changing during the implementation of the project. Are you looking to implement a technology initiative in the next 6-12 months? If so, Information Technology wants to help you plan your project for success. ToLearn More...