A critical appraisal of "The effects of aerobic, resistance, and combined exercise on metabolic control, inflammatory markers, adipocytokines, and muscle insulin signaling in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus"
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The aim of this critical appraisal is to analyze the reliability and validity of the chosen research article. Being able to critically appraise a research article is a highly valuable skill that health care providers should be very fluid in before they practice any intervention. I chose this specific article to critically appraise because it closely relates to my clinical question. My clinical question compares different types of exercises regimes on individuals with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus to see which has a more beneficial effect on different diabetic markers and overall quality of life. I critiqued the introduction, methods, results, and discussion by examining the article's limitations, weaknesses, and strengths. The introduction and methods section were very well written as they included background information and enough detail that the experiment could be replicated. The results section adequately addresses the hypothesis that was asked in the introduction and included informative charts. Lastly, the discussion section failed to explain the clinical importance of the results. Overall, the article was well written, and I believe there are important clinical implications based on this article. Critically appraising is a skill that I will continue to develop as I am a lifelong learner of the physical therapy profession and want to provide quality care to my future patients.