A critical appraisal of "Randomized Control Trial to Examine the Impact of Aquatic Exercise Training on Functional Capacity, Balance and Perceptions of Fatigue in Female Patients with Multiple Sclerosis."
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This is an appraisal of the article titled "Randomized Control Trial to Examine the Impact of Aquatic Exercise Training on Functional Capacity, Balance and Perceptions of Fatigue in Female Patients with Multiple Sclerosis". This article analyzes the effects of aquatic therapy on female patients with relapse-remitting multiple sclerosis. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effectiveness of the article in convincing us that this intervention is a tool that we can use in our clinics. To convince us, the article should be easy to read, incorporate all the necessary information we need to replicate this study, report its findings, and highlight biases or limitations that could be seen with this trial. This paper starts with a short synopsis of the topic of interest as well as addresses the clinical question we are looking to answer with the article selection. It then moves on to break down the different sections of the article highlighting each section's strengths and weaknesses in convincing us of this intervention. Finally, it will highlight its clinical significance as well as make an argument for this intervention. It is concluded with a summary of the paper and a decision on whether this article is convincing to the readers or not.