A critical appraisal of "A comprehensive rehabilitation program with quadriceps strengthening in closed versus open kinetic chain exercise in patients with anterior cruciate ligament deficiency"


Applying evidence-based treatments to the therapeutic plan of care is crucial to give each patient effective interventions supported by research. A critical appraisal is necessary to determine the validity of the study, determining if it should be applied to a physical therapists' practice. When critiquing the study, thoroughly breaking down the introduction, methods, results, and discussion is necessary to find its strengths and weaknesses. These strengths and weaknesses are weighed to determine if the research is beneficial to the clinician. The methods section yielded the largest area of improvement in the study. The critical appraisal states that the study can be beneficial to a therapist, but has some key potential areas of improvement that could be changed to increase the validity and reliably of the study.


