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February 2019
Why We Love Our HUBs... No we aren't talking about our husbands here, we are talking about Historically Underutilized Businesses. What are HUBs you ask?  Well in short they are for-profit businesses in which at least 51 percent of its ownership is controlled and actively managed by a woman, minority, and/or service-disabled veteran. So why do we love our HUBs? Because they are typically smaller businesses that don't always have access to all the resources that larger corporations have but are still just as competitive and essential to the economic growth of our community. So the next time you need to make a purchase, we highly encourage you to visit and search for a HUB vendor on the Centralized Master Bidders List.  FMI, please contact the Purchasing Office...
Did you know...
Angelo State University has it's very own Behavior Intervention Team (BIT) right here on campus.  While countless resources exist to help our students adjust to college life, they may still find themselves needing help or guidance through these rather difficult times of adjustment.  This is where our multidisciplinary BIT team comes into assistance.  They know that intervention is the key and are here to help provide the tools and resources needed for our students.  ASU cares about the safety and well-being of our campus so if you see any behaviors on campus that you find concerning, please submit an online report directly to the BIT Team.  FMI regarding these services, please stop by our page...
The construction of the new G-Wing at Centennial Village added 160 beds to the complex bringing the total number of beds to what?
A.)  455
B.)  560
C.)  620
D.)  680

Continue reading for the answers... 
We Just Wanna Have FUND$... Seems just like yesterday we were putting the final touches on the FY19 budget and then boom FY20 comes knocking on our door.  I guess time really does fly when your having fun.  With that said and as things start gearing up, please be on the lookout for more information to be rolled out in the coming weeks. If you are new to the whole budget process or simply just need a refresher, please contact the friendly folks in the Budget Office to schedule your very own One-on-One SPOL Training.  Both Mary Ann and Carolyn are always eager to help you with all your budget planning needs. 
That's Impressive...
Facilities Planning and Construction has managed over 70 Construction, Renovation, and Facility Modification Projects in the last three years, totaling nearly $100 Million.
Security Proofpoint... Angelo State University receives over 14 million emails every month.  Most of those emails are not legitimate and need to be filtered out to ensure our faculty, staff, and students are not overwhelmed by the flood of illegitimate communications.  To ensure we get better at filtering out all that noise, ASU has moved to a new email security tool called Proofpoint that will enhance our capabilities of filtering out those categories of unwanted email.  Please take a look for more info...
Way to go... ASU's OneCard Office recently received the 2018 BankMobile ACE Award for the second year in a row.  This award recognizes institutions across the nation who lead the most efficient disbursement programs with at least a 90% electronic disbursement rate.  We are very proud of our OneCard Office and overjoyed that they strive to provide innovative and convenient services for our students. 
After Hours Call... We understand that not everyone on campus works the typical 8:00 - 5:00 job; so what does one do if they see something like a spontaneous river flowing through campus, hear fire alarms going off, or maybe even smell a hint of something burning and it's after the typical work hours.  Give a ring to the University Police Department at 325-942-2017 and they can contact the appropriate person(s) responsible for taking care of the situation.
I Have No Idea... Are you interested in becoming a university approved driver but don't know where to start?  Well you are in luck!  All the information to get you started is right here... And remember all employees required to operate vehicles on behalf of the university are required to take these steps.  FMI, contact the Environmental Health Safety and Risk Management Office. 

Upcoming University Holidays

May 27, 2019
July 4, 2019

Full Holiday Calendar
Requisitions are moving to Banner 9 Self-Service.  In order to submit online requisitions, you will need to attend one of the upcoming training classes on  March 6th, 12th or 13th.  Spaces are limited so be sure and sign up today. 
Did you know that ASU offers an Employee Assistance Program to all it's employees and their family members, at no cost, for things such as counseling and legal services? If you would like more information, please visit this site...

86th Legislature Dates of Interest

March 8, 2019 - 60th Day (Last day to file unrestricted bills)
May 27, 2019 - 140th Day (Last Day of Regular Session)
June 16, 2019 - Last day the Governor can sign or veto bills

Click here for a detailed list of dates...
D.) 680
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