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May 2018
Recap of the Best
Let's Twist...We are all guilty of it.  At some point, we have all thought that it won't happen to me, or this town, or even this university.  The reality is that it could happen at any time or any place because Mother Nature does not discriminate.  So what is it that we are talking about?  Tornadoes of course.  They are incredibly unpredictable, terribly dangerous, and one should always be prepared for them.  That is why the Office of Environmental Health, Safety and Risk Management in conjunction with the University Police Department conduct campus-wide tornado drills throughout the year.  It is through these types of preparedness drills, as well as through education, that we can insure all individuals on our campus will remain safe in the event of a real tornado.  
For More Information... 
Did you know...
ASU has a network of volunteer personnel that assist with our university's emergency response plans and procedures.  These volunteers, primarily comprised of faculty and staff, are known as our Building Emergency Response Team (BERT) and are trained to execute leadership roles during emergencies. You can find out who your BERT representatives are by viewing the BERT Roster.  We encourage you to get know these individuals, especially in buildings you frequent, before an actual emergency occurs.  For more information...
What is the seating capacity for Commencement Programs held at the Junell Center/Stephens Arena? 
A.)  5,638
B.)  5,124
C.)  4,762
D.)  4,297

Continue reading for the answers... 
AP's Fab Five Tips
5. What did the requisition say to the invoice?  "You complete me."Always remember to complete a requisition before receiving an invoice.
4. Embrace the invoice. Love the invoice.  But most importantly, hang on to that precious piece of paper until all items have been received.
3. But don't get too attached to that invoice.  Payments must be made 30 days after the receipt of all goods/services or receipt of invoice (whichever comes last.)
2. However, you can save time by having vendors send invoices directly to Accounts Payable at ASU Station 11034, 76909 
1. No matter the situation.  We are always here to help.  Give us a call or drop us an email anytime. 
The Budget Office has processed over 800 Budget Adjustments so far this fiscal year.
Talkin' Trash... In order for our campus to be eco-friendly, we must first start by talking trash.  We know it is very easy to inadvertently place non-recyclables in our campus recycling bins, therefore the key here is to know what is or isn't an allowable item.  For instance, although cardboard food boxes are an acceptable item, should they contain food waste on them such as used pizza, donut, or juice boxes, they would then be considered contaminants and should not be placed in the cardboard recycling bins.  When too many of these contaminants get placed in our recycling bins, they can cause the whole bin to be sent directly to the landfill (eek). But don't fret, with a little knowledge we can still think green while keeping our bins clean.  FMI contact EHSRM...
Feeding your smart phones... How many times as a kid did you hear someone say, "Don't eat that!  You don't know where that's been!"  Well the same concept applies to your smart phones and your tablets.  You need to take better care and make sure you know where they have been and where they are.  They need to be locked, scanned, and kept close track of like your cousin Vinnie after that string of convenience store robberies.  If you don't know where to begin don't fret because IT has created a page to help you figure out how to configure your devices so that they are safe and sound.  Super-Cool Web Page...  
Out for Delivery... Central Receiving delivers on average 60 packages a day to the various departments on campus.  With approximately 300 packages a week going through Central Receiving, we want to make sure you are getting your packages in a timely manner. Thus, the more information you are able to include on your purchases, the easier it will be for us to find you. And, if you are making purchases via your ProCard it would be helpful to include the cardholder and/or department name along with the word ProCard on all packaging lists and box labels.  Should you find that your character space is limited you may shorten Angelo State University to ASU.  FMI and helpful tips...

Upcoming University Holidays

May 28, 2018
July 4, 2018
September 3, 2018

Full Holiday Calendar
Summer Enrollment for Benefits will be July 9th through July 21st this year. If you need to make any changes to your benefits, you will be able to do so during these two weeks.  FMI Contact HR...
Football Season Tickets, All-Sports Season Packages, and Faculty/Staff Activity Cards will be going on sale soon! Come see us at our new location over in the Foster Field at 1st Community Credit Union Stadium.
As the end of the academic year winds down, please keep in mind that only private designated or restricted gift funds (2160) should be used to pay for parties, student awards, plaques, or gifts.  
FMI on allowable expenses...
A.) 5,638
Newsletter Suggestions
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