Here's the latest news and information from the Finance and Administration Division.  Want to know more?  Check out our website @
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September 2014
Welcome to the first edition of “Budget, Brains & BrawnThe F&A Report”.  This is the new, and hopefully improved, version of the Finance and Administration Quarterly Newsletter.  In our new format, we will try to provide you with essential information, highlights of services and support we are currently working on, and insight into future projects that we will be implementing in order to improve the experience of our students, employees and visitors on our campus.  In addition, we hope that you will find our trivia sections both fun and informational.  As always, we will continue to look for ways to improve our communication to you, so we welcome any comments, suggestions or feedback you would like to share with us.  Thank you for choosing ASU!
Did you know... 
Last year ASU's Payroll Services department spent $872 printing and mailing W-2's. By signing up for electronic W-2's you not only save our university money that can be reallocated for other uses, but you as the employee will have earlier access to your form thus allowing you to file your taxes sooner. More about benefits...

Upcoming University Holidays

November 27-28, 2014

December 22, 2014 - January 1, 2015

Full Holiday Calendar
One of the supposed reasons our college was named Angelo State instead of San Angelo State was so that it would appear at the top of an alphabetized list of state four-year institutions.
A congratulations goes out to Greg Pecina on his retirement after 32 years of service to ASU.
Do you have a great idea for our next newsletter?  Send us your suggestions!
The LeGrand Stadium
In September 2014, ASU completed construction on the improvements at the LeGrand Stadium and Sports Complex.  The new features  include bleachers for an additional 1940 seats along with 20 wheelchair accessible seats, a press box, and additional lighting, to name a few.    For the first time ever on September 13, 2014, the ASU Rams Football team had the privilege of playing on their very own home “turf” thanks to the monetary donations made by Dr. Robert and Jean Ann LeGrand and First Community Federal Credit Union. 
A Look Ahead:  A few of the construction projects planned for FY 15
  • Mayer Softball Field improvement
  • Soccer Field lighting
  • MIR Project Innovation Initiative 
For additional information, please visit the
Facilities Planning and Construction website
Mobile Device Safety
According to the Federal Communications Commission, as much as three quarters of all robbery in major U.S. cities involves the theft of a mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet.  Most of us have at least one mobile device and often store a great deal of personal and work information on that device.  Protecting our mobile devices and the information they hold is a simple matter with the right help and information.  
Learn More...
That's Impressive...
Angelo State University has 650 wireless access points strategically placed across campus.
Cold and Flu Season, Already?  It’s that time of year again when the cold and flu season will soon be upon us.  Now is the time to start preparing for this year's season since flu activity can begin as early as October.  Please be sure to wash your hands regularly and take advantage of our many hand sanitizer stations located across campus.  If you feel like you might be coming down with something, the University Center does offer disposable thermometers that can be picked up directly from the UC Information Desk.    
Learn more… What are the symptoms of the flu?
Creative Landscaping
Over the past several years, San Angelo has experienced an ongoing drought that has challenged our Facilities Management department to get a little creative with the campuses landscaping.  You may start to notice more xeriscaping being incorporated across campus as our current vegetation cannot be sustained due to the dwindling water supplies.  The most noticeable xeriscaping project, completed this summer, was done between the Porter Henderson Library and the Academic building.  This area was widened with brick pavers and extra seating in order to accommodate the increasing pedestrian traffic flow through the area.  Aside from the xeriscaping projects, our landscaping ingenuity has also come in the form of art.  This past spring, facilities’ very own Charles Sebesta came to the rescue of a mighty oak tree that was lost due to the extreme drought by suggesting that the remaining stump be carved into what is now ASU’s new Ram Monument.  If you haven’t had the opportunity to see these enhancements, please make a point to take a stroll across campus.  I promise it will be well worth your while.